Celtic Fest Ohio 2019


The adventurous duo packed up one muggy Sunday and headed back to the Renaissance grounds, but this time for the Celtic Fest. I had never been to the Celtic Fest before so I was looking forward to this. 

Unfortunately the previous two days had seen nothing, but rain. We were forewarned by a fellow Renaissance cast member that the grounds were muddy and that we should probably wear rain boots. Obviously neither of us followed that suggestion though I did wear tennis shoes instead of sandals like Tasha.

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Book Club Meeting #2

Book Club

Our now monthly book club took place at Andrew’s house this time with Natasha happily cooking for all of us. It was wonderful food and of course there was plenty of alcohol because apparently some of us can’t go through life without it.

Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff was our pick for the month. It had been sitting on my shelf for a while, like a lot of other books that have yet to be read, so I was more than happy to read it.

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